Chapter News
Club Survives Chili!
Nov. 16, 2008:
Incoming president Jim Harden served his "to-die-for" chili at the
recent meeting of EAA Chapter 1027 at the Willits Airport. Ice cream
was offered as a fire extinguisher. Discussed were plans to refurbish
the upstairs of the clubhouse after the first of the new year. In
addition, the City of Willits, owners of the building, plan on
replacing the roof. Outgoing president Dick Johnson announced that the
"World of Flight" calendars are available from him at $9.50 each. Call
him at 707-367-0891 for additional information.
Chapter Election Time
Oct. 12, 2008: After
our delicious lunch of barbequed hamburgers, salads, and dessert at
Kirk's house on the Booneville Airport,
President Dick Johnson made a motion to accept the revised slate of
officers for 2009 (see left column) for the upcoming election. Motion was
seconded and unanimously
carried. Members then enjoyed a video of whale watching from Kirk Wilder's Piper Cub. Kirk provided photos of the October meeting.
In addition, this website has added a Sell, Buy, Trade, Wanted column available to all members.

Booneville Airport (D83)
Willits Airport Day Cancelled!
July 9, 2008:
Due to the numerous forest fires in Mendocino County, the 2008 Airport
Day has been cancelled. Smoke from fires in northern California has
dramatically reduced air quality and visibility. In addition, the City
of Willits Airport (Ells
Field) is currently serving CALFIRE and other agencies as a helicopter
refueling site. The next chapter meeting will
be at the Booneville, CA, Airport (D83) on Sunday, September 7th.
2008 Airport Day Announced
May 4, 2008:
Plans for the 2008
City of Willits Airport Day at Ells Field were discussed at the May
meeting of EAA Chapter 1027. The annual event that brings planes from
around northern California and southern Oregon is scheduled for Sunday,
August 3rd, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The public is welcome. In past years,
visitors were able to take rides in vintage biplanes, newer aircraft,
and even helicopters at a nominal cost. Click here for photos of the 2007 Willits Airport Day.
next meeting of EAA Chapter 1027 is set for Sunday, June 1, 2008, at
12:30 p.m. in the clubhouse at the Willits Airport. Lunch will be
served ($5 donation requested). President Dick Johnson will lead a
discussion on plans for the annual event. Guests are invited. Contact
President Dick Johnson (707-367-0891) for further information.
Young Eagles Program Discussed
April 6, 2008: About
20 members of EAA Chapter 1027 showed up for the April 6 meeting
reports President Dick Johnson. Marginal weather didn't ground one
member from Boonville and two from Clearlake. Lunch was prepared by
Dick, Jim Harden, and Harold Weston: honey-glazed chicken. The group
also celebrated Clyde Davis' 73rd (and counting) birthday. Susan Davis
offered a presentation on her training seminars at EAA headquarters in
Oshkosh earlier this year. Mike Madsen talked about the Young Eagles
program and was appointed as the chapter Activities Director.
The next chapter meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 4, at 12:00 noon
in the clubhouse at the Willits Airport. There will be a barbeque lunch
($5 donation). Prospectitve members and guests are welcome. Contact
President Dick Johnson (707-367-0891) for further information.
Meeting to Discuss Club Direction
next meeting of EAA Chapter 1027 is set for Sunday, April 6, 2008, at
12:00 p.m. in the clubhouse at the Willits Airport. Lunch will be
served ($5 donation requested). President Dick Johnson will lead a
discussion of how to build the local club. Susie Davis, who last month
presented ideas from the EAA Leadership Training Seminar at Oshkosh,
will bring ideas offered there. All members are encouraged to attend
and join the discussion toward keeping the local chapter viable and
President Dick Johnson (707-367-0891) for further information.
Next Meeting Announced
meeting of EAA Chapter 1027 is planned for Sunday, March 2,
2008, beginning at 12:00 noon (new time) in the clubhouse located at
the Willits Airport. Following the lunch ($5 donation), Clyde and Susie Davis
will present a report on their recent trip to the EAA Leadership
Training Seminar at Oshkosh, WI. Also under discussion will be the future of Chapter 1027. Contact
President Dick Johnson (707-367-0891) for further information.